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Wiress Network

Wiress Network
  • Use Radio waves to transmit data.
  • Populars ,as no wires required
  • Cost effective
  • Future flexible


  • Consume electricity
  • Less secure

Types of Wiress Network

1. Ad-hoc/Peer-to-peer Wiress Network

  • Each computer can connect to the other computer
  • Shared files & printers

2.Acess Point Wiress Network

  • Acess point to connect to wired network
  • Hubs

: Piece of equipment (wireless router) or software

Network Interface Card : NIC

  • Used by PC system to connect to either an Etharenet network or a wireless network
  • NIC are already installed on most PCs
  • May need a router to create a home office network.
  • NIC's are not used in laptops or PDAs

1 comment:

  1. It is a good blog
    But, you have to learn more


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