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Pretending [ Book Report]

Of course I'm me but after that
nobody knows that I am a cat.

My kitten does and says, Purr pur,
and I says Purr pur purr , to her ,
And when she strethes I do too,
then I say, Meow and she says, Mew.

Nobody knows that I am a hill
sitting and listening very still.

To grass and thistlea and rustling seeds
or crickets chirping under weeds.

Nobody knows when I sway and sway
I'm being a tree on a windy day.
And when there's nothing better to do
I'm fat old cow that says Moo.
Or else I do what any bee does,
I fly to a flower and say, Buzz.
And sometimes in summer whenever I wish
I'm a waterbug in our pool, or a fish.

Or an all hunched up and grumpy frog
sitting and grunting on a log.

But best is when the swallows fly
with a chirp and a twitter across the sky,
I am a swallow as swift as they,
And up I go and swoop away.
And O what fun it is to see,
down in our garden, myself watching me!

Mummy calls me her precious lamb
but never the other things I am,
and I am glad, 'cause who would huge
a frog or abee or a waterbug!

Harry Behn

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